THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsHoly Name of Jesus5 January 2025 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Today, we are to consider the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ. His Name was chosen by God and given to us by the Angel Gabriel before He was conceived in Mary's womb. The Holy Name was prefigured many times throughout the Old Testament. Humanly speaking, this Sacred Name was officially given to Jesus when He was circumcised, in much the same way that we are given our names in the Sacrament of Baptism. Let us remember the reverence and honor that His Name deserves.
There is no other name by which we are saved. The only way to God is through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. As God is to be honored, respected, loved, and obeyed, so must the words that refer to Him be honored, respected, and loved. God has made this clear in the Second Commandment: "Thou shall not take the Name of the Lord God in vain." The Israelites were very careful not even to speak the Name of God because our sinful nature prohibits us from giving the necessary honor that is due to Him.
Today, the commandment not to speak God's Name in vain applies directly to our use of the Name of Jesus Christ, Who is both God and Man. While the extreme of the Old Testament Israelites not to even say the Name of God does not apply today, we must avoid the other extreme of speaking the Name of Jesus Christ without the due respect, reverence, and honor that is due to Him.
While the Jews, Pagans, and non-Christians regularly speak disrespectfully, insultingly, and blasphemously of Jesus and His Holy Name, the greater offense is to be found among those who hold the very name of "Christian." Our modern world has denied God and thereby denied the sacredness of His Holy Name. Our modern media will bleep out the use of many vulgarities or words that are deemed humanly insulting or socially unacceptable, but the blasphemous use of the Name of Jesus Christ is not only permitted but accepted and encouraged.
There are many who engage in this abuse through carelessness, thoughtlessness, or weakness, but there are also those who are deliberately challenging or mocking God, the Church, and all true believers. We are called upon to fight against these abuses. We must be ready, willing, and able to stand up and be counted as true followers of Jesus Christ. First, we must strive not to be led into this evil habit by the examples of others all around us. Secondly, we should strive to correct or admonish those around us who have fallen into this evil habit. Next, we ought to strive to make personal reparation for all the abuses that God has endured by the insults to His Holy Name. Each of us has a role to play in this. Lastly, let us strive to humbly, reverently, and worshipfully use His Name in prayer.
To many in the world, God's patience with us in this manner only seems to embolden or encourage them in this evil practice. Because they are not immediately struck by lightning, they seem to conclude that God does not exist, He does not care, or He is impotent to do anything about it. All of these are truly demonic ideas. The punishments that are delayed are not escaped. Every sin will be accounted for and appropriately punished in time or eternity. No one will get away with mocking God. It may seem like they do in this life, but this life soon ends, and we enter into judgment and eternity. Let us not forget the certainty of God's judgment.
After correcting our own faults and failures in this matter, we must now seek the greater honor and glory of the Holy Name of Jesus in the world around us. It is a work of mercy to admonish the sinner. However, we must be intelligent and prudent. Among reasonable people (hopefully our friends, neighbors, and relatives), we can politely admonish them not to insult God and us who love Him by their carelessness in this matter. However, there are malicious people; there are unreasonable people, drunkards, and even demonically inspired people who will only be emboldened or encouraged in this evil by any correction that is offered. Sometimes, it is better to ignore or walk away from these people and these occasions. Perhaps our actions will be more effective than our words on these occasions.
In every situation, we can make a difference with a personal sacrifice of reparation, a humble and heartfelt prayer honoring God's Name, and a prayer for our fellow men patterned after Jesus' own prayer: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing." Making a difference means actively participating in the restoration of reverence for the Holy Name of Jesus, whether through personal reflection, prayer, or gentle correction of others.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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